Very/Little green
Very was my first pop band that, out of several reasons, never really
took off. I got a bit of radio airplay for my songs, we released a
(mediocre) CD (I was still learning at that time and made some mistakes
concerning the production and choice of material.). For our second CD,
I changed the band name to Little green (hats off to the wonderful Joni
Mitchell). That one was far better,but never got a release. Still, I´m
proud of some of the stuff we did. .
CD: “To the very heart” |
“You are my lifeline” |
CD: “Bright” |
“Spring in my heart” |
Die Bucht von Wien
This project was a collaboration with the legendary, meanwhile defunkt
Austrian pop singer Hansi Lang. We started to play songs written by the
famous Austrian piano player Friedrich Gulda, but soon decided to write
some own stuff. As lyrics, we used some love poems by the great
Austrian poet HC Artmann. Finally, we also wrote our own words to some
songs and released the CD "Die Bucht von Wien". Check out the soul of
“Hosd as ned keadt“ (Wienerroither/H.C.Artmann) |
"Gima dei Haund" (Wienerroither/H.C.Artmann) |
Die Bucht von Wien |